Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Organizing my photos

I don't really organize my photos.. Normally once i take them ,i would just copy them and paste them into my laptop's hard drive... Erm... i always seem to copy twice and name it differently.
And to makes things worst , i always copy it in to another hard drive as a backup. Sometimes i would mix them both and copy each other.

Today, after all those crew change , helicopter coming in and out. Finally,... have a peace quiet evening where.. the rig needs 5-6 hours to ballast down.

There , i copy all the pictures into my small little laptop and notice that ... i have 30 G of pictures ... Wow... i didnt realise that i have taken many.. Hahaha , i guess i will spend the whole evening organizing ...

Wow.. it will take a very long time.

1 comment:

Jason said...

if you are saying 30GB is a lot.. you should have a look at mine. My Mac itself already contained more than 60GB.. those stored in external hard disk, you wouldn't want to know...