I'll give it a 2 of 5 ... if the girl died .. i would have given 3 of 5.
There's a funny part watching the movie. Hehe , it's not the movie , it's my "little tour guide". When we went the for the seats , she decided to take a de-tour to the right into the cinema.
We went in in the dark searching for seats and notice that our seat number isn't there. We ask around using my handphone as a touch light checking the numbers... then we realised that .. we were in the wrong cinema. Awkwardly , we slowly walk out and finally found our correct cinema..
GOOD JOB !! ... 1/2 Good job , my little tour guide... yeah, don't turn around looking .. It's YOU.
After the movie , we decided to go the Curve for dinner. I took the keys from her and started driving around ,of course my trusty tour guide (TTG) was there beside me. So we went driving around with the directions from my TTG. We went past MidValley .... and later an hour later ... We are Here .. in MidValley again ? Haha , turns out .. My TTG wanted to show me around KL.
1/2 GOOD JOB !! Hehe , it was fun actually. Talking in the car , checkout KL places which i have never been before. I have to give credit to the tour guide, you are the best!!!
Of course we reached the Curve. We then went to this BUBBA GUMP SHRIMP CO RESTAURANT. The STRIP there ... erm...no i meant Shrimp there was the best.

Nice looking dishes aren't they ?
The restaurant was inspired by the movie Forest Gump. The movie is played continously for the whole , so if you haven't seen it , you can actually do that while enjoying your meal.
Anyways , it was a really fun weekend. Thank you my little tour guide.
Overall rating = GOOD JOB !
You know why ? 1/2 good job + 1/2 good job = Good Job !
p/s : So what if you did get lost in KL , everything is great as long as you have fun right ?